Monday, February 28, 2005

I still love what I know.
I love to ride alone and sing a song and listen to the radio.
Some folks seem to think I only got one problem.
I can't find nobody as crazy as me.

Happy Easter

Monday, February 28, 2005

Because of weather conditions, the Virginia Tech campus will open at 10 a.m. today. Classes will begin at 10:10 a.m.

Please visit the Virginia Tech homepage for updates (if necessary) and for snow and ice traffic emergency procedures

150 foot Yellow Poplars....measured twice just to make sure!!!! Can't get any more awesome than that!!! Posted by Hello
Here lies the final step to my college degree. The farm which I onced dreamed of owning, I now can have a small part in, as my team mates and I design a plan for the 250 acres. Saturday I walked close to the entire acreage, only taking 8 hours. I was reminded why I became a forester as I wandered, observed, and discovered. I remembered that just existing on this earth, even when alone, is enough to live on.  Posted by Hello

Sunday, February 27, 2005

My slightly confused team members. Thank goodness someone knows what she's doing. ;) Posted by Hello

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Marriage with paint in the eye

This weekend I am visiting the youngest of the troublesome four and her finding. We, the youngest troublemakers, take him, the youngest's finding, his dinner at work. We sit down with him and the youngest says to her finding," I bought a toilet cleaner today. It wasnt't the one we wanted to get but....." I just ask of you, if ever need be, remind me what im missing. Ill understand.
...I proceeded to try to paint my left eyeball.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Bits and Pieces

Anyone know of a good deal on a computer. Maybe one that will never die...will write books....and take exams.... Please contact me after 9 or on a weekend....can't be payin for those minutes ya know. Oh and 12 weeks till graduation!!!! Oh, so also, if you know of any jobs....that might be a good thing to have in 85 days.

Quote from my latest extra-curricular reading is incumbent upon us to devote all necessary attention to developing a sysytem of farming based upon human needs, rather than upon the ease and convenience with which crops can be grown." -Edward Faulkner in A Second Look

I'd add to that farming system, that is should resemble natural systems (or "as nature"). For as we allow our system to become "as nature", rather than fighting it, we will eventually find it easier and more convenient.


Party time! Well at least have a shot or a glass of champagne for the trusty ole at the intersection in front of my apartment it reached a milestone..200,000 miles. I dindt have a digital camera to take a picture..not even a can of spraypaint to mark the spot. But the memory will always be there. And the ole car didnt even stall. May it last another 100,000 or at least till fuel is too much for the common man.

Hello to all at Nextra!!!! Hope you get to see the sunshine someday.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Recent Dialogues

David: "I'd grow a beard if a girl wanted me to."
Beka: "Yeah, well I wont do that."
David: "Well, I don't think many guys would ask you to do that, Beka. Most guys don't want their girl to have a beard." :)

Beka: You are getting me flowers, right ?
Sean: Why, did you die ?

You Know Your A Nerd When....

As you print out a paper, you decide that a 12 point font size does not look "professional" so you change it all the way down to an 11 point!!! Hmm....did I do that ????

You are sitting in wildlife class not paying a bit of attention to the lecture, as you try to determine in your head the graphical relationship between a human weight and the amount of food needed. From this it must be determined what weight size would be most efficient, you thinks.

After working for a legal review office for two weeks, you have estimated that you can click 1,000 times a minute with a mouse.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

January Lexicon Additions

Ubiquitous- seeming or being everywhere at once
Octagenarian-someone whose age is in the eighties
Consociational- pertaining to an alliance
Purposive- advancing ones goals or objectives; with purpose