Monday, June 25, 2007

Latest pictures of my field taken today. Sunflowers are going to be the big grower I think.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

My latest venture Blaithin Blair(pronounced blah-heen blare), or the flower field, as of June 3. I will try to get another picture posted soon as it looks a little different now. At this time we had not had rain for a month, I would guess. We were 6 inches behind in rainfall for the year most of which was the month of May. This was the driest May on record (notice ON RECORD). I believe the normal rainfall for the month of may is around 5 inches while we had about 1.8. Not to mention we had temperatures near 90 in late April followed by a few days of freezes in the teens which killed all redbud, dogwood, and other blossoms. Much was lost. Then we have had extremely high temperatures for the month of May. Closer to the July average and about ten to 15 degrees above normal for May. So, expectedly, the plants, even the weeds, are struggling to figure out whether they should be growing, flowering, dying, or giving up. I am trying to keep things alive with watering, but nothing works like God's water supply. Pray for rain.

This is the inspiration behind my wedding dress being made by Nancy. See you October 13.