Friday, December 28, 2007


Our Christmas tree with its four ornaments. Maybe next year we will have room for a real tree. This year the room is taken up by tools.

We are still sleeping in the living room. But now that we have the woodstove going we are probably going to miss being in the living room once we move into the bedroom. So warm.

But the rate things are going we won't move into the bedroom until it starts warming up outside.

Monday, December 24, 2007

The Great Wall

Jeff and I built these retaining walls(terraces) for mom and dad back in November. I have 1000 tulip bulbs and 100 daffodil bulbs planted here.

Jeff and Nik Getting Ready for Church

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Nik spent the night with us Saturday night. He and Jeff had a good time laying bricks in front of the wood stove Saturday afternoon and then we made cookies in the evening.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Jeff working on our bedroom.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Sunny and Rico

Sunny and Rico joined the ranks in the fight against rodents. Although they are to young right now to be chasing down any mice, we have them in training. They were pretty well wild when we got them last week(why they are in a cage) but they are taming down nicely now. They meow at me for food and play with Jeff's fingers. I have a sneaking suspicion they are male and female(we can't hold them to tell) so some "fixing" will have to be done..especially as close to the dump as we are. :) kittens galore

First Snow at Our New House

This morning we woke up to a light dusting of snow ...the first snow we have had at our new house. Soon we will have a good snow, Nik and I are sure of, because we have the best sledding hill in these parts!!

I am still laying in bed this morning doing some much needed blogging while I wait for the house to warm up. It is 31 degrees outside ....not as cold as you would think as cold as it feels in here. I guess that happens when your heating system is broken. We have a kerosene heater that we move from room to room. One doesn't hang out in the bathroom to long around here. :) The animals don't seem to mind though. Ceili hangs outside all morning chewing on a deer hide, Wookie sleeps by the heater, and Sunny and Ricco make a mess of their cage ..again!