There is a game going around in which you are to put your name in Google followed by "needs" and see what comes up and then list the top 5 funniest. Here are mine.
Beka Needs:
1) To grow up a little bit.
2) A reality check.
3) A vacation.
4) To stay awake to survive.
5) Help reparing a power feedline on the Maru.
Oh fun. This is me...Rachel needs:
1. to have blush that is bright and colorful (sounds more like I need to fire my makeup artist. Wait... I have one?)
2. some good thoughts (can always use those)
3. help when she enters Manhattan's meat-packing district (!!?!??)
4. to get over herself (hummm)
5. to do it now
So I'm off to go do it. See you later
Rachel needs to read the directions, since she took the first 5 hits and not the 5 funniest.
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