Friday, March 28, 2008

Yes, I know it is only the end of March.

But this unseasonably warm weather and clear days are throwing me off.
I've been futzing around the field here and there but today I actually planted 90 feet of larkspur and 80 feet of baby's breath. I don't know how this will turn out being it is so early in the year...but technically one should be able to plant this early. If I can get moving I will try to cover these beds with row cover on hoops. That should keep the little guys safe from any more heavy frosts.
I left my flats of sweet peas out in the freezes we had a couple of nights ago and the soil and seedlings froze solid. But you know most of those little buggers are still alive! Plants amaze me. These sweet peas and more will be going out in the field next week.
Next week Jeff will disc part of the field (I "allow" Jeff to do the tractor work since he likes it so much) so I can follow with a few other early plantings.... that is, if there is no rain, which we really need (Doesn't that sound familiar.)
I have officially run out of window space but I keep planting seeds for some reason. It's like an addiction. I constantly shuffle plants around trying to get places to allow more to germinate. My hardening off area is going to grow because I HAVE to get some of these trays outside. Most of them will be ok with light frosts but if we go back to normal temperatures with heavy frosts, Ill be doing alot of bringing plants inside at night. So needless to say I'm not complaining about the weather...just worrying about what it means we have in store for us this summer. 65 degrees in March..what does that mean in August?
But I carry on...I'm so glad I'm not in charge of the weather. It would be very schizophrenic.

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