Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We had our first dusting of snow yesterday....right about on time too normal years SW Virginia gets it's first flurries around Halloween. We also had our first frost about dead on average ...a few weeks ago. So far so good for a "normal" winter. (This follows a more "normal" summer with the temperature only getting to the 90 degree mark one time.) Jeff and I are digging up some cross country skiis in preparation. I love (real) southwest Virginia weather. If you don't like it, wait 'til'll be different. ;)
This was a good day for making use of all the apples and pears Nik and I have been picking off the neighbor's trees. I made apple bread, apple butter, pear butter, and started drying some apples by the wood stove. I also gathered rose hips and helped Jeff move the wood pile closer to the house. Good blustery day work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's lovely. I love snow. We got some recently... unusually early for us. It didn't lay though. But still nice to see it drifting down!

Sounds like you had a nice summer without it getting TOO hot.

Wow, you got so much done! I just love roaring fires on cold winter days...