Saturday, November 22, 2008

We had another light-duty snow this week..about 4 inches or so. Unfortunately, I was fighting a cold so I wasn't able to enjoy it as much as I would have liked. But I did haul some mulch on the tractor...I'm sure that didn't help my cold any.
It was a whopping nine degrees out this morning. And because of this cold (actually, both "colds", temperature cold and sickly cold), I missed going to the market today. (Even now at 1PM it is only 29 degrees...would've been a cold day to stand out on concrete). I am glad to see the cold though....maybe it is a good sign for the rest of the winter. It has been so long since we have had a nice southwest Virginia winter....been way to warm and muddy. Thinking about having a icy cold winter brings back memories of heavy but too short coveralls, frosted horse whiskers, dog paw ice wads, and cow snow coats. Not too mention water trough ice chipping, doing 360's in the car, warming up kittens in your coat, and pulling groceries on a wagon because the truck can't get up the hill.
Anyways, I had made some Christmas wreaths to take to the market, so now here they hang. The pictures do not do them justice.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Good grief I'm going to freeze to death next weekend. Looking forward to it.