Sunday, November 28, 2004

Back in the 'burg

Hey all....its back to the ole grind again after a week of talking to food and eating friends and family. That didnt come out right did it.
Anyways, this week I will be in the computer lab for 12 hours a day and in the soils lab for i'd say another 12 hours a day with the remainder of my time in classes. Funny that doesnt seem right either.
Anyways, I have a watershed managment plan, a farm plan, a park siting project, and a forest harvesting plan to be pretending to work on. And then a few exams to fail. Take. Read. Trash. Oh, gee, something.
Anyways, if y'all dont hear from me you can reach me at Marion Mental Hospital. 276-......crap, i mean you cant reach me.
Anyways, maybe I should stop now.

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