Jeff and I took the dogs to Grayson Highlands today for an old dog hike. It was a wonderfully cool day with clear blue skies and fluffy white clouds. So nice for a Sunday change instead of being at home surrounding by work. The leaf colors were just on the verge of maples with a hint of red and a little scatterings of yellow. We rode by Whitetop which reminded me of the Maple Syrup Festival there...maybe we will get a chance to go next March. We really need to head over that way is like a vacation one hour away.
We need to get out there too! Now I know why you left in a hurry yesterday! I'm jealous:)
Again, lovely view! Wow. Right on your doorstep. We went to a maple syrup festival one time. Dad got lost driving to it and we ended up in the top of the mountains with snow and ice-laden trees all around us! It was so beautiful, like a winter fairyland. I loved it. However, we had to get out of there and eventually made it to the festival!
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