Tuesday, September 30, 2008

News,news, depressing news

You would think that the economy failing would not bother me. I hate money and have always hated money. I love bartering at the market or anywhere else. I love eating what we grow and raise. I love making do. But hearing about economies failing in countries all over the world has me upset. I suppose it is partly because this is the first year Jeff and I have felt productive members of the community and I worry ...will we have clients and customers next year? But more than that I fear God has had enough...enough of the foolishness of this country and those all over the world. How far will this go? Will famine come? Will my friends lose their houses? But while I wait for the rainbow in the sky, I remind myself that He is in control and the majority of my friends are of His people as well as I.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If people learned the lessons from the current market problems (like don't lend to people who have no money!!) it would help a lot! I don't see it being as bad here as they're currently saying... plenty of people are still shopping... but all the bank take-overs are not good. Tim thinks it will probably not get too bad and things will gradually right themselves. But obviously we are dependent on the mercy of our gracious God. May He even use this to bring about great revival in our lands!