Sunday, January 11, 2009

Cooking Traditional Foods

Jeff and I have been using this menu-mailer for the last few months and are loving it. This way planning the menus for the week takes less time and we have found that even with eating more nutritious grains, more meat, and more fat (the un-politically correct, traditional foods way) our grocery expense has not gone up, possibly even gone down a bit. The only things we do different is we skip the meals that require a more expensive cut of meat...such as beef roasts....and add a fish meal once a week. This probably balances out in cost but we feel that the fish is better for us compared to beef. Just wanted to share. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good girl! Eat your meat and fat! ;) We try to eat 2-3 days of fish a week, both sea and fresh water fish. I am a bit wary of the possible mercury content though. But I don't go with the view that beef is harmful. It has really good amino acids. We just try to eat a variety of meats. I try to eat pork the least as pigs have the worst diet
and probably the least good for us.