Saturday, January 10, 2009

Our Life

I finally was inspired enough to have a blog post.
Jeff and I really only have one New Year's resolution...and it wasn't really a New Year resolution as we started trying it out before the new year. This idea is to put ourselves on a more strict daily schedule..or should I say a semi-strict daily schedule as schedules normally never works out exactly. So here is how it kinda pans out :

I am up at 6:30 at which time I float about quietly making my lemon water, and then doing my devotional time while drinking my lemon water. Afterwards, I start breakfast if I plan to make anything at all..most of the time it is just toast or something leftover. Then I check things like email, weather, and news. At 8:00, the day really begins. Jeff is up by that time and doing dishes. I begin my two hours of house duties. I really dislike the idea that it takes 2 hours a day to clean up yesterday's messes, sweep, start stuff for dinner, make shopping lists, make bread or other make-ahead food, etc., etc., etc. but this seems to be the case. I really hate it! There is too much else to do!
Jeff starts work at 8:30 and kinda works his own schedule until 12:30. I stop all things house related at 10:00 whether it is all done or not. I then finally have my morning cup of coffee and and sit down to read for a few minutes before getting started with the real work. Now this work could include anything from studying up on a particular flower, detailing the planting schedule, working in the field, or many, many other things. The important thing is this is farm-related and maybe more importantly income-related.
So at 12:30, Jeff and I have lunch(usually leftovers) and sit back for near an hour talking about, well, you name it. That is one of the greatest parts of the life we have chosen....the time we can have as best friends talking about all the important and not so important. And boy do we ever....Jeff and I have had lengthy discussions on everything imaginable from the time we met. I think these times just strengthen our camaraderie.
At 1:30 it is back to work until 3:30 and then we either go for a walk or just take another quick break. Here again is a time for talking about what we have going on. After that it is back to work until 6:00. I plan in the summer to swap this time with the morning housework time so as not to have to work in the field in the heat of the day. Somewhere in this time I feed the cows and will eventually include feeding chickens as well as an assortment of other evening chores.
Finally, at 6:00, we are done. But dinner must still be made and showers taken. We tag team on this and then enjoy making dinner together. Food is one of our few luxuries and we greatly enjoy the preparation(including talking) and eating of a nourishing meal....well at least most of the time. After dinner we either watch something on Netflix or read a book..preferably reading but we are usually so exhausted that watching something that someone else thought about is so much easier.
So this is the basic idea. Of course, it never goes as planned. As my work greatly relies on the weather, I often have to change gears. For instance, if it going to rain in the afternoon, I may go get the work done in the field in the morning rather than work in the house. If it is dang cold out, I may do some extra baking in the afternoon to help keep the house warm. In the stress of the summer, housework will often gets left out completely. But even if we can follow the schedule for the most part, I feel we will be doing well. I love the flexibility of our life.


Anonymous said...

I loved hearing about your daily life! I have to say my household chores don't usually take two hours a day... the longer I do them the faster they get, I guess just with practice. Having a dishwasher really helps - do you have one? Even with cleaning up after the kids it isn't that bad - esp. as they're learning to clean up mostly - ahem, MOSTLY - after themselves, with a bit of prodding. ;)

That's so cool you can have an hour of talking in mid-day. Tim used to come home for lunch and that was nice (when he worked 5 mins away), but even then there wasn't much time for talking.

What is Jeff's work?

Beka said...

Well, tell me how you do it!! I ind it a bit ridiculous myself that housework should take two hours a day but I can't seem to do better. I probably am just not an efficient housekeeper...I think that really takes a skill. (If I had the extra money I would definitely hire someone to do it.) And Jeff isn't very interested in a clean house.
It could be so hard because mud is brought in daily by us and the dogs. We both work from home so our work is all over the house. We have a fixer upper so something is always being worked on. Nothing is ever finished. This work would also include things like placing orders or things, ironing(ugh), taking trash to the dump, and just basically trying to keep the house clean enough that I never have to do a mad dash of spring cleaning. Jeff takes care of the dishes...that is his domain.
We don't have a dishwasher INSTALLED as of now. But this is being worked on...maybe by the end of the week. Then I can assign Jeff a different task. :)
Jeff is a free-lance Therefore he works from home. To tell you the truth there are no jobs around here except medical and the normal minimum wage job. So we have really been blessed that he has found enough work online and my farm enterprises bring in a significant part of our income.