Friday, January 04, 2008

New Years Resolutions 2008

With everyone else making new years resolutions....I finally came up with some (although one is actually for Jeff and I to do. :) )

1) We are going to be eating by 7 PM every evening..even in the summer(a truly hard feat especially with my "work till dark" mentality). Although Jeff does the cooking I usually have to get him moving by telling him what to make.

2) I make the menu and the shopping lists so my own personal resolution is to have some sort of fish twice a week and one meatless dinner once a week.

3) My farming business resolution is to support us 6 months of the year instead of the 4 months of last year.

4) Read a classic every month...I am reading the Last of the Mohicans now.

4) And finally, put all my camping and kayaking gear to good use. :)

1 comment:

Mama said...

Great resolutons! The fish and meatless meals are on my list of to do too! You'll have to share some of Jeff's recipes with me!