Thursday, February 28, 2008

Rising Food Prices

Notice the rise in food prices yet? We have sure felt it. We starting noticing about a month ago with cheese, milk and flour. I was shocked. Now pretty much all food is up and our food bill has gone up 25% . (Although, for those of you in the may have more of a buffer. We noticed the extremely high food prices in Portland and Jeff's family hadn't noticed yet any changes in price. Maybe someone is absorbing some of this with the already overpriced food. I'd say they can't do it for long though. Just speculation.) Needless to say..our eating habits are changing now as we try to get back onto budget. More beans and rice....thankfully we like asian so rice works well. But anyways, I couldn't resist taking a picture of this after we went to the store last week. Looks so yummy to have a full fridge. Just don't ask how much it cost. ;)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

This just in: There is a "scratch and dent" discounted grocery store in Glade Spring. Might be worth checking out to stretch your grocery budget.