Monday, April 14, 2008

Bushels of asparagus

I toughed rain and snow today to plant 50 feet of asparagus. The only reason I did it today was because I read somewhere that a cool rainy day was a good day to plant asparagus. So I risked getting the plague and spent the afternoon in 35 degrees and rain mixed with snow sitting in the mud carefully spreading out asparagus roots. I'll Ive gotta say is, "they better produce a heck of a lot of food." Then after all that I got worried because we are supposed to have a freeze tonight and went out this evening and covered all the beds with blankets. Hey! I didn't want to risk losing the profit from this effort. Oh, and the only reason I do not have a picture was because Jeff was too wimpy to come out of the warm house and take a picture of me. :)

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