Sunday, April 27, 2008

Jeff and I went on about an hour long walk today on the trail running by our house. The first time we have been out there since spring really started coming on. It was a misty mountain day and it made us remember what a cool place we live. We made it just over the other side of Walker Mountain from our house and turned around before the trail started going downhill. Since most of this part of the trail lies in a gap it is a very fertile and lush area with Keywood Creek lying way down in the bottom of the gap. I could see a bunch of rhododendron on the other side of the gap(the east side). But just along the trail I found many spring wildflowers including wild columbine, wild geranium, sweet white violet, and spring larkspur. Since this is such a rich area I am hoping to see trillium in this gap later in the year. I used to come across huge patches of it in West Virginia and I believe it is my favorite flower.

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