Monday, April 18, 2005

Get dirty..stay dirty

Finally someone agrees with me....dirty is good for your health!


Anonymous said...

Interestingly, hospitals, those centers of obsessive-compulsive cleanliness, are also centers of some of the weirdest, most antibiotic-resistant organisms out there (and that not because people bring them in when they're sick). I think Michael Crichton had some interesting things to say about this in "Andromeda Strain." Okay, that's fiction, but still... you can't try to isolate yourself from all the little critters out there without doing some serious harm to yourself in the long run.

~Burkeley el Canis

Beka said...

Hmm..Im thinking...maybe this is where humans came from. Say if the last higher evolutionary species had also thought they could protect themselves from disease by isolating themselves. In this way, the human evolved because of the lack of competition by this unknown species...then because of the "weird-ness" of the human race they were able to gain the position of the highest evolved species. Thus ends the mystery of man's origin.

Anonymous said...

Still don't get it.

~Burkeley el Canis