Friday, April 08, 2005

If anyone know what these "little green things" are, please let me know. Spring always has suprises!! Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure those "little green things" are May Apples. I've heard they're really good, but I also think I heard somewhere that they're poisonous.. EAYOR (Eat at your own risk) ;-)


Anonymous said...

Use caution with May apples. The roots contain a toxin which is quite dangerous. It interferes with cell division and a derivitive of it has been used in cancer chemotherapy. An extract has historically been used in doctor's offices as a topical treatment for venereal warts. It's considered too dangerous to sell to the public--even by prescription. It is teratogenic (causes birth defects). The ripe fruit supposedly only contains a trace of the toxin, but it's wise to sample it in small quantities only. It goes without saying that pregnant women shouldn't eat it at all.

Interestingly some old herbal preparations contained may apple as a cathartic. They didn't realize that it was damaging the lining of the intestines.

So don't eat the root!